A couple of years ago I shared a post about my
First Aid Kit. Well, I have found it to be very valuable! Since then I have expanded on my necessary items to keep with me. Especially for school field trips, scout outings, and other times with larger groups of kids. Here is what I have found useful many times since I put this bag together:
- My first aid kit
- Wipes
- Sun block & bug spray (not to be used unless parents give permission - very helpful to have for my own kids)
- Sanitizer
Then I found this bag that fits it all perfectly! Of course it's a little big for my daughter who is modeling it for this picture ;-) I have also found this bag helpful to carry money, my small camera, my cell phone, my keys, a few snacks, and a bottle of water. These are all things that I have needed for field trips. I don't know how many times I have lost money because I was trying to store it in my pockets with my cell phone that I often take out of my pocket! Oh, and I am not a person that likes to carry around a purse while I am trying to capture every moment with my camera. So, this over the shoulder bag is PERFECT for me!!!

In the picture you may have noticed a small bottle of Vicks Vapor Rub. And you may be wondering what I would possibly need that for... Well, my son had a field trip to a dairy farm. The last time I went on this trip (for my daughters school two years ago) the smell in one of the barns was a little unbearable. One of the kids actually turned around and threw up in front of us!!! Poor kiddo and it totally grossed out my group of girls! So, this year I was going prepared with something to help the kids enjoy the tour more - a little Vicks under the nose to mask the smell. Thankfully it wasn't as bad this year. For that field trip I was able to take many pictures, keep track of a group of boys, and help some of the teachers out. One child needed a bandaid and another tripped and fell into poop - needing the wipes and sanitizer.